Mahindra Tractor Givaway on Memorial Day!

Memorial Day Tractor Giveaway Honors Active
HOUSTON, TX (April 27, 2015) – Rush Limbaugh and Mahindra USA are once again joining efforts to recognize the service and sacrifice of our military with the second-annual Salute To Veterans promotion on The Rush Limbaugh Show, which will give away a Mahindra eMax 22HST with loader to an active duty service member or veteran of the U.S. military for Memorial Day 2015.
Entries are being accepted for the tractor giveaway between now and May 24, 11:59 p.m. PT at:
The winner will be selected in a random drawing on May 26, 2015.
Last year, more than 4,500 service men and women entered for an opportunity to win a Mahindra tractor. It was awarded to Lieutenant Colonel Mike Petzinger of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, who has served his country for 25 years in the Army. Mahindra USA, the number one selling tractor brand in the world based on volume, is an active year-round supporter of the military through various programs including the Mahindra Pride Military Appreciation Program, recognizing the commitment of members of the armed forces. The Military Appreciation Program offers an extra $200 rebate for active and retired U.S. military personnel on the purchase of a new Mahindra tractor and qualifying implement through December 31, 2015. In addition, Mahindra USA supports Operation Finally Home, with its Build To Rise program, which provides custom-built, mortgage free homes to our heroes and their families. “It was an honor to partner with Rush Limbaugh last year to give a tractor to Mike Petzinger and it will be a privilege to recognize another of our nation’s heroes through the Salute To Veterans promotion this Memorial Day. This promotion is a great addition to our Mahindra Pride Military Appreciation Program,” said Cleo Franklin, Vice President, Marketing and Strategic Planning, Mahindra USA. “Mahindra’s Rise initiative includes honoring the people who make a difference in our communities, and our military and veterans deserve recognition and thanks every day of the year.”
“I’d like to thank Mahindra, the world’s number one selling tractor, for their generosity. And God bless all of you who protect our freedom,” said Limbaugh.
“We have five acres of land and I had been looking at Mahindra tractors for about three months. Mahindra and Rush Limbaugh made my month when I found out that I won,” said LTC Mike Petzinger, U.S. Army and Mahindra tractor winner.
To learn more about the Mahindra Pride Military Appreciation Program, please visit or
(PHOTO): HOUSTON, TX (April 27, 2015) – Rush Limbaugh and Mahindra USA are once again joining efforts to recognize the service and sacrifice of our military with the second-annual Salute To Veterans promotion on The Rush Limbaugh Show, which will give away a Mahindra eMax 22HST with loader to an active duty service member or veteran of the U.S. military for Memorial Day 2015. Sitting on his new Mahindra tractor, is last year’s Lieutenant Colonel Mike Petzinger of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, who has served his country for 25 years in the Army.